Thursday, July 21, 2016


I have a confession. During much of my academic career, I have been a procrastinator. It was actually a point of pride. During my undergrad, I managed to do impressive amounts of work during the last minute. My personal record was a 12 page paper written the day before I had to turn it in. It still got an A. I always had the feeling that procrastinating was bad, but I would continue doing it until I had a real consequence for it. Luckily for me, this never really happened.

Now, that I have an infant daughter, a job, grad school, and Korean lessons, my time is precious. It forces me to work ahead because I quite simply cannot put things off to the last minute. There is too much to do for me to try to put things off. I still do have bouts of procrastination here and there, but it is much more manageable. 

I found this video that explains the mind of a procrastinator quite well. It was pretty funny, but it really helps me to stay focused to my studies and my work.


  1. I saw this Ted talk a few months ago. I am a procrastinator, but I'm not sure if I fit into his descriptions all the time.
    I guess I should fix that. I will later...

    1. I think I fit this model of procrastinator exactly. I do like the idea of fixing it later!
