Friday, July 15, 2016

My First Pinterest Board

I have been checking out Pinterest lately. I made an account at my wife's bequest a couple years ago, Apparently, I hadn't logged in in a while. I had a message waiting for me from two years ago!

Apparently, by virtue of linking my Facebook account to Pinterest, I have a lot of followers. Judging by what my followers post, it is obvious where my wife is getting all of these interesting ideas for "baby sensory activities" and where she came up with many of the ideas for planning our wedding.

I made my first Pinterest board. Admittedly, it may not be very interesting for most of my classmates. It is dedicated mostly to the Korean language learning resources that I have found that I use with my 5 month old daughter. I have read about some research that suggests exposing her to the phonology of Korean as a baby will help her develop Korean language skills later if she chooses to pursue them. I also study Korean, so these are interesting for me too.

Here is my Pinterest board if anyone is interested. I was able to find some other similar resources on Pinterest that I will use. This is a topic I have been the most interested in lately, even if it isn't shared much by the class.

Jane is watching her favorite music video on YouTube wearing headphones for the first time.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Awwww she's so precious!!! A lot of children become multilingual when exposed to other languages early. She might be able to give you lessons by the time she turns five. Great post and good idea to pin those resources.

    1. I grew up in a monolingual household, but I always envied those who could speak other languages. Many of my friends in Korea are long-term expats who also have kids in multicultural households. There are also dedicated to developing bilingual children. There is lots of interesting research about the topic.
