Thursday, July 7, 2016

Apparently Snapchat Isn't Just for Sexting

So, I downloaded and used Snapchat for the first time. I had always been reserved about using it because I remember reading some stories about it being used by teens for sexting. In general, I like to keep and archive my pictures, so the whole temporary nature of the pictures and messages just seemed kind of strange to me (and still does). I guess I am not as young and hip as I thought!

As it turns out, I have been using a clone of Snapchat, but I didn't realize it. On a recent test I gave to my Korean university students, they had to explain to me how to do something interesting. Given that every single one of my students uses a smartphone, it was only natural that many chose to demonstrate how to use various apps. The most popular app was a Korean app called "Snow." (SnowCam is a knockoff of Snow, so don't be fooled!) It seemed really fun. You can take photos with the app and it applies stickers and uses facial recognition. This is exactly the kind of thing that is popular with Korean university students.

My wife showed me the newest app that she has been using (Snow) to take pictures with our daughter. We have been enjoying playing with it. Then this course had me download SnapChat. Soon after, I stumbled across this article from the NY Times on Twitter about Snow.

1 comment :

  1. Cool! I didn't know about snow before, but I'm skyping with a Korean friend next Tuesday (yes, we schedule it) and I'm going to ask her about it. Surely she uses it.
